Book Review: Fearless by Max Lucado

max-lucado-fearless2In my office are several copies of Max Lucado’s Fearless: Imagine Your Life Without Fear.  Those who come to my office are free to take a copy, and I even recommend it.

Since I recommend Lucado’s Fearless to others, I thought I would give it a read and be better prepared in my recommendation.

Style.  Fearless is written in typical Max Lucado’s style: lively storytelling, a weaving of biblical truths throughout, and a gift for packaging biblical truths and promises in succinct and clever ways.

Theology.  Readers of Max Lucado’s writing would know him as grace-saturated.  Mr. Lucado had his beginning in the Stone-Campbell Movement–a movement that is known for its fundamentalism and critical nature of other churches, though this is slowly changing in various parts of the US, especially among its younger members.  Max took the time to mention this to his readers, while discussing a view of God that he once held.

It must also be noted that each chapter draws from the life and teachings of Jesus in the Gospel and how Jesus makes a life fearless.

In the end, I’m glad that I took the time to read a book that I was recommending to others, Fearless: Imagine Your Life Without Fear.

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2 responses to “Book Review: Fearless by Max Lucado”

  1. Thanks for posting – my wife & I have a large collection of his & were unaware of this one. It’s now ordered.

    It also reminded me that with Easter around the corner, it’s time to bring out my absolute favorite of his, a blog, “The Silence of Saturday.”

    Soli Deo Gloria

    1. Jim, I’m glad I was able to inspire. Yeah, Lucado is a blessing to the Body of Christ. I just love his stuff. Never really been disappointed.

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