Why are we failing at Race Relations?

The image of a professor at the law school defaced with black tape. The Harvard police were investigating the taping of images on Thursday morning as a hate crime.

From the streets to university campuses, it’s the issue of race: blacks, whether on the streets or in our classrooms, continue to express frustration over racial discrimination and prejudice.

I will like to think that as a nation we’re making headways toward racial reconciliation.  But lately, I’m beginning to question myself.

Why are we failing?

First, as a society, I believe we’re not doing enough.  We avoid the issue.  We don’t want honest, open dialogue for the sake of healing.  We’re still segregated.

Simply open your eyes.

Consider the inequalities when it comes to jobs and pay.

Second, as a minister of the gospel of Christ, from observation, I’m willing to say that for the most part the white church is silent.  Imagine what would happen if the privileged white church would lead the march against racism in this nation?

This inertia.  This inaction.  On the part of the white church must be challenged.

After all, it’s a gospel imperative (Galatians 2:14).

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8 responses to “Why are we failing at Race Relations?”

  1. You make a great point about the “white Church.” What ever happened to the Biblical church of there being in Christ, no race, social class, gender, or age distinction? While we have not met in person, I’m glad to call you brother – and if I don’t get to meet you this side of eternity – I look forward to standing beside you and worshiping together on the other side.

  2. Here in London, we have a large and affluent evangelical Anglican church in the centre of the city that plants churches elsewhere. Wendy and I visited one such church plant not too long ago in the south-east of London (which is racially diverse) and out of a congregation of roughly a hundred Wendy was the only black person present. The congregation was white, middle-class, not reflecting the area in which it was located at all.

    Another example would be an evangelical Anglican church in east London (an area that is predominately Asian with a large Muslim population) that has absolutely no Asian people making up part of the congregation. The vision of this particular church is to reach the people that live within the locality. Something is not working. As for planting a church where you take a bunch of middle-class people and drop them in to an area where they don’t live and don’t bring in locals at all – setting up a white, affluent congregation in an area which is at least 50% non-white and distinctly not middle-class – I’m really not sure what the point of it all is.

    I should add that where we live is also racially diverse, and the congregation of our local Baptist church reflects that – our pastor is from Ecuador!

    1. Jon,

      Thanks for sharing. Other dynamics clearly at work there. No different this side of the Atlantic, as you know.

  3. TC, I immediately thought of you this past Sunday when my pastor preached an excellent message on race relations in the U.S. and the failure of the white church to speak up, past and present. It was a sermon of confession of our sin, and discussion of how to move forward. It was theologically grounded in a way I had never considered, and was convicting to me.

    I wanted to share it with you, especially the closing prayer, because I thought it would warm your heart and give you hope. For the record, I’ve only ever heard two sermons on this topic by white pastors. This one, and another by me in the 1990s. I was speaking to my somewhat integrated congregation of African Americans, Hispanics, Italians, and some WASPS. Buy my pastor’s sermon was far, far better. I believe it is worth sharing with you. I hope you will deem it worthy of sharing with others. I plan to post a link to it with a short introduction on Average Us. The sermon is called “The Crying Shame” delivered on 11/22/2015. I hope you will let me know what you think of it. http://www.ivycreek.org/content.cfm?id=314

    1. Lon,
      Yes, indeed. All is not lost. The good Lord has a way of putting a smile on my face when I’m overwhelmed by inertia. This is an example of such. Thanks, bro.

      1. No, all is not lost. I pray for wisdom and courage to know how to go further than just not giving up. Happy thanksgiving to you!

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